Monday, May 25, 2020

Review Paper Topics for Mechanical Engineering

Review Paper Topics for Mechanical EngineeringThe biggest challenge in writing a review paper is the diversity of topics that you have to choose from. There are actually two issues: First, you have to consider your own specialized field and then try to choose topics for review papers. You need to take note that topics for review papers should only have a one-sentence introduction. This makes it easy for the reader to easily relate with what the paper will discuss.The second issue is that the reader is only interested in a few topics and they won't be interested in the general concept of the paper. General concepts usually distract from the main topic. If you write about general concepts, then the reader may be disappointed that you don't present information on a particular topic.So the best approach would be to choose a broad topic for the paper and then narrow down the topics for review in order to better relate with your reader. Doing this will also allow you to choose more topics for your paper so that you can present more detail about the subject you are discussing.For the purpose of discussion, we will consider the topic of mechanical engineering as a review paper. Mechanical engineering is an interdisciplinary field. Therefore, you must first understand your field before choosing a topic for review paper.One way to understand your field is to study the history of mechanical engineering. Remember that you should also study the history of engineering if you are going to specialize in any particular field of engineering. Also, study the history of technology so that you can better relate your topic to current engineering.Once you have understood the history of your specific field, you can now choose topics for review papers in mechanical engineering. For this example, let's focus on a review paper about the mechanical engineering of waterjets. Based on the history of water jet technology, we know that there are many different types of water jets. Here are so me examples of these types:The most basic type of water jet design is the 'jetting' design which uses a turbine to propel a stream of water. One common application of this design is the water gun, which shoots a stream of water to simulate a bb gun. Other examples of jet design include the 'cargo jet' and the 'sea-skimming' design.From this example, we can conclude that the water jet design is a variation of a turbine design. In order to better understand the engineering, it would be good to choose the design of your choice as a topic for review paper. Then you can apply it in many different engineering fields, to give an overall overview of the field.

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